Why I’ll Wear a Poppy on Remembrance Day

Monday, November 21, 2011

Remembrance Day has been a long standing tradition as the time that we pause to give thanks to veterans and to those who have given their lives in war. The day was dedicated by King George V in 1919 as a day of remembrance for members of the armed forces who were killed during World War I. Last year, Canada’s last World War I veteran, John Babcock, passed away at the ripe age of 109. Yet, our need for remembrance lives on in the veterans of more recent struggles as well as for wars to come.

I’d like to share a story from one of our staff members at CENTURY 21 Canada. She’s never had to experience violence and she’d like to give thanks to those who have given her that...

Why I’ll Wear a Poppy on Remembrance Day

I loved the “When I was young” stories that my grandmother used to tell me. To me, this was my time to indulge in slightly exaggerated stories of courage and adventure. She’d tell me about growing up in the rice fields of China, waking up early to help with chores and to carry water from the nearby river. Born in 1924, my grandmother was but a young girl when World War II started. She didn’t understand war and why people were fighting. She only understood that each time the soldiers came through her village, she had to run to her hiding place and keep quiet or bad things would happen.

Her stories took on new meaning when I accompanied her to her old village on a trip to China. It was the first time she’d been back since leaving during the Cultural Revolution. She led me down the narrow streets where her home used to be. The house isn’t there anymore, but all the memories were written on her face as she retold her stories, tracing each part through the sands and brush.

“In Canada, you’ll never have to experience anything like that. You’ll never have to see what I’ve been through,” she said to me. She’s right. I’m one of the lucky ones who have been sheltered from violence and war.

Thanks to many servicemen and women who have fought and continue to fight, we as Canadians remain free from oppression. So for my grandmother and myself, I’d like to say thank you to all the many soldiers who have fought for our freedoms and values.

This Friday, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, I stand in two minutes of silence wearing a poppy close to my heart in remembrance.

Lest we forget...

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READ MORE - Why I’ll Wear a Poppy on Remembrance Day

YTD Century 21 In Town Realty and Centum Pacific Mortgages Easter Seals 2011 efforts

Hi everyone we just wanted to update you on our EASTER Seals efforts YTD.

Once again our Halloween Pumpkin Give Away went off with GREAT Success! We raised $1,243.25

Year To Date we have raised $10,431.25 for Easter Seals. (That's our best ever and the year isn't over yet).

We would like to thank all of you who have helped out this year and in the past for your contribution of time and donations, as well as, for all your friends and family who have helped out this great cause too.

So please pass on the good news to everyone you know. We have come a long way from just starting this 4 years ago with our Team. We feel so proud to be able to do such a rewarding effort and having a blast too!

I am sure the Kids have a huge smile on their faces as well!

Donations can always be sent electronicly via clicking here

Michael and Heather La Prairie are with CENTURY 21 In Town Realty in Vancouver, BC.

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The 2nd Annual GREAT PUMPKIN give away was a SUCCESS!

That's right.....Our second annual EASTER SEALS Pumpkin give away was a great success. NO RAIN either!

It started just before 12:00PM on Saturday October 22nd and ended right at 5:00PM. We had lots of support from the Team at CENTURY 21 In Town Realty. So far we have raised just over $800.00 with more to come over the next few days.

That's right we still have some left over, so if you are close by PLEASE come in (421 Pacific Street) and pick out a Pumpkin and make a donation....all monies donated will go towards Easter Seals "Send a Kid to Camp"


Michael LaPrairie is with CENTURY 21 In Town Realty in Vancouver, BC

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READ MORE - The 2nd Annual GREAT PUMPKIN give away was a SUCCESS!

Value of Window Upgrades

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I recieved this wonderful information from Mike Hemmerling today. Thank you Mike for letting me pass on this useful information about upgrading windows. Mike does the 'Pillar to Post' news and information letter. Here are some of the great things Mike had to say...

Clients often ask Pillar to Post inspectors about the value of upgrading windows. There are many good reasons to upgrade windows but it is often difficult to decide based solely on dollars and cents.

Save Energy
Replacing old drafty windows with modern windows will saves energy, but the cost will not likely justify the energy savings. Break even will only occur after 20 to 30 years. Beware of claims such as 40% savings on your energy bills. Realistically, you may save 10% to 20%. If saving money is your only goal, consider weather stripping and repairing the windows you have.

Comparing Windows
U-Factor: The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) has developed a standardized rating system call the “U-factor” which provides a single number with which to compare windows. The U-factor is a number between 0 and 1. The lower the number, the better. 0.35 is good. In cold climates, the U-factor is the most important factor for selecting a window.

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): In climates where air conditioning is more important than heating, the SHGC is the most important factor for choosing a window. The SHGC represents how much heat from the sun penetrates the window. The SHGC is a number between 0 to 1. For air conditioning climates, a number less than 0.4 is good. For heating climates, a larger number, such as 0.6, is better.

Advanced Technology

Argon Filled
Some manufacturers put argon gas, a better insulator than air, between the panes, resulting in a more efficient window. Most experts agree that the argon does not last forever.

Glass Coatings
Coatings or films can dramatically improve the efficiency of a window. In a heating climate, low-E glass allows short wave solar radiation into the home for a heat gain, and prevents heat loss by reflecting the longer wave heat from inside your house back into the room. In hot climates, the window can be coated or tinted to reduce heat gain from the sun. Ask a home inspector, or another impartial professional, whether you need to upgrade your windows. A window salesperson will likely give you only one answer: yes.

Kristie Kruger is with CENTURY 21 Foothills Real Estate Ltd. in Letherbridge, AB.

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READ MORE - Value of Window Upgrades

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Find real estate fund is not a place to call home. Investment in real estate is a popular tool investment is more than 50 years, almost popular. However, the real estate market offers many opportunities to make big gains, even though to buy the possession of the property market more difficult bonds and equities. Some types of real estate investment, you need to know your investment. This is the oldest real estate investment, property purchased for rent. The man was let to the tenant or tenants and buying a property. Owner or owners responsible for the payment of taxes, mortgage fees and the rent, the cost of maintaining the warranty provides cover. The owner can do more revenue for the overall strategy and the patience to pay the mortgage, rent, and just enough to cover all expenses, collect and made the most gains. But this type of property, which may damage you end up paying with a bad tenant to the landlord the rent or against any attempt to finally have a chance to refuse. Investment is a group of real estate funds, such as mutual funds, a rental property. Build or buy an apartment or apartments, and investors will be able to buy the company. And investment management group business unit empty units in an interview to promote the potential tenant is responsible for maintenance. The company receives the ratio of the monthly rent. Acquisition of real estate and leasing of other types does not own. Acquisition of property is usually the target only a short period of 3.4 months, and the result they want to sell things. Home desktop to the recycle bin, or take a hot real estate market is undervalued based on the market. To improve the investment is a membrane-foot-and short-term investments, no. Buying a new way to increase value added for decoration at a reasonable price, buy a house flippers homes, will generate revenue. This renewal placed on different levels can be an excellent investment. However, it allows investors to take home an hour each time, usually one can take. He comes to property investment, investment in many ways still. Other investors, however, as a huge potential for investment in real estate. But all these advantages, in order to check the options carefully and thoroughly appropriate. We benefits and costs to decide bold investment properties you find the types you meet here, are taken into account. You can set it to determine how the budget thoroughly do your research, make sure to make your selection. with a pair of your property a good investment despite the economic situation is to remember to be careful.

Some good areas for students to rent a flat in Manchester

And draws a large number of students from all over the world each year, many of them learning to Manchester Universities and colleges in the city. With a large number of Manchester students and an impressive variety of areas and property rented to students. Manchester is home to three universities, University of Manchester University, the UK's largest and one offers a variety of training courses at the University of Suoerfude, a mile from the city of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University is one of the largest universities in the country with some of the students 34 000 registered. Manchester also has many universities offer a full range of courses some students. Farrowfield located two kilometers from the center of the city of Manchester is one of the most popular domestic life, the vast majority of students in the city. There are a large number of student rental housing, a large Victorian house, smaller home, you're sure to look for properties in this region, the budget for all students. The region is a variety of bars, restaurants, food, everything you can imagine in the region even make the local service area supermarkets. Wish is also a popular choice for students and young professionals, is a quiet life Farrowfield instead. Excellent regular bus services from higher education institutions to be strengthened. Similarly, there are a variety of bars, pubs and exotic snacks, restaurants, meeting friends and perfect. Summerfield supermarket is an ideal place to get all the details of the day. Diziboli area is expensive, but the site offers some powerful features and services. The region is 4.5 km from the city center and the university has a wide range of shipping costs. You have a large group of students from the family home of traditional and modern apartments. Region and a large variety of shops, bars, restaurants and entertainment for students. Diziboli Sports Centre, located in the region offers a number of sports facilities for students and expanding society.
READ MORE - Some good areas for students to rent a flat in Manchester

Mangolia New Homes

Find quality real estate services, such as magnolia, how to provide family planning and consulting in the energy sector. They use an upgrade, the energy consultants, working to save money, savings should be included, so your money for your new home. You should also ask about foods you have decided to build the new home of their dreams. Magnolia House will tell you the cost will be run to customize your new home. New house looks like a dream for the first time you choose. But over time, and now the construction of new homes dream house Magnolia, which is green, well-known line is a smart choice for the design and construction. This adaptation of the house for the efficient use of energy. If getting a new boat house will be tough on your experience and home decor. But it praised the final product will be rewarded. The transition to new and creative experiences of life. Home Manufacturers often assist this experience is better. Montgomery new homes to work closely with expert consultants in various fields of construction and design of the house. Energy efficiency, you need to know how many options to improve your new home. You can create energy saving, environmental protection is to keep the house a home. Make sure the person gets high marks on the label, because they can enjoy the only way to get off the government. Estimated from the first visit of 5230 Magnolia. It is the last building on the upgrading of domestic energy efficiency. Once at the apartment Conroe will be proud to own. The necessary steps to mount the storage on their direction. Tomball apartment from the owner to decide what we hope that by you. generator you want to bet, it's time to create. If you select the quality for many years, and the commitment and expertise in residential construction is a must. Reliable home supply and support a new Magnolia each program. Excellent design and service, you see the names of companies known columnists. Excellent quality house, specially designed to create a single family or multi-good environment, then you should go green at no extra cost to you. Many contractors use the site so it's easy to call them today. Not only that, but experience and some good projects to do in the past. This will ensure the credibility and build a new home or repair old ones.
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How To Reduced Investment Risk

Generally, investors try to buy the share when the price reached the level of support (low cost, as it will go) and sell when the resistance (as high as possible to beat the value.) a stock level, it is easier said than done. For the failure of most investors make stock continued to decline for the first time, or how high prices will go up a small number of low sales. In this article we focus on two general strategies in the market for you without worrying about time can invest. Average technology (a) investment decisions with a major purchase, to reduce costs. According to this technique, the last (usually monthly) even though a certain amount of shares of record, and for the purchase of their current status. Theory that lead to greater overall efficiency, since the low share price to buy shares at a purchase price higher with the largest number. An example of a director is as follows: If you buy shares of IBM in 1200 with the Ministry of Civil Aviation would like to share, so decides, 400 shares of IBM on the path to market every month for three months the future. You in the first month, when IBM's stock market could be $ 105 during the imagination, and then $ 95 per share, two times a month could be reduced, the first three months $ 100 roses. If you buy all the shares in early 1200, I per share, $ 105 costs, however, extend more than three months of purchase, one of IBM's $ 100 average price per share are now managed. The main drawback of using DCA is that you can maximize your performance in general. If there is evidence that some stocks were undervalued, and that more than face value before you actually explode from the Ministry of Civil Aviation for the purchase of all shares is to use less money. So it is always a good idea to buy the different strategies each year. I mean, even dollar (DVA) is known as the average value of a technology investment and blind as the average cost of similar technology offers the highest purse. In the case of this method a certain amount, then Governor helps investors, regardless of market fluctuations. And therefore, increase the market share of the market down, investors have contributed more money, and during this period, and the benefit of small investors. Here is an example of the two: I want to use Yahoo's investment in the airport. For discussion, let's say Yahoo is $ 10 per share. I'm sure the amount of tax will spend an average of $ 1000 quarter growth will be more than 1 year of the program'm the additional investment. I believe in, and $ 1000 investment began. The end of the first quarter, and increased stock at $ 15 per share, which means that I now only $ 1500, invested $ 500 in order to spend just the second quarter, its first and second quarter of 2000, total investment if. To share prices so I do not like to invest. The project's results would mean the average dollar value, on average, less money on stock prices, while the average cost, which still has the same amount of investment dollars, regardless of price. However, this strategy if a complete guide. Make sure that your work, you invest, and then must go further.
READ MORE - How To Reduced Investment Risk

Something you should know about Mortgage referrals

After the real estate agent through referrals. These are references from agencies that help people buy new homes. They know that people tend to be interesting and time will take just to get their qualifications. This is a reference, in large part because they are well qualified and do not usually have a lot of competition in the loan. The types of references is therefore necessary to take on partnership and real estate brokers. There are many ways to do this, most of the errors, and a number of advantages if done correctly. Besides allowing you free access to a range of indications will also provide access to the best customers in the mortgage industry: renters looking to buy the first time. When you're in the mortgage business, as buyers turn to renting is the easiest way to make money. Once you have the right partner, real estate broker, you will get all the people can handle their customers are, allowing you thousands each month. The key is to find a program that will help you do just that. When you find such a program can be for your mortgage is a sharp increase in referrals, which makes your income go up. What can promote the release of pedestrian your mortgage professional is to break the bank, and making noise in the industry. For this reason it is important that all mortgage referral planting, so you can make the best and brightest business people can. It does not matter, as to the type of referrals you get, but to lead you to the best: Although cooperation with the Agency, you can take care of each other for first time home buyers willing to buy mortgage loan from you.
READ MORE - Something you should know about Mortgage referrals


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